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"Vision" Blog Posts

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February 9, 2023

Mission Possible: Saving the World

Unilever has rediscovered what its founders learned back in the day: treating people decently is good for business.


July 24, 2018

What Do Top Performers Do Differently? – #MTtalk Roundup

“When you truly study top performers in any field, what sets them apart is not their physical skill; it is how they control their minds." – Tina Brown, British journalist and author An Unlikely Champion The Comrades Marathon is one of South Africa's annual sporting highlights. It's a 56 mile (90 kilometer) ultra marathon that takes […]

November 2, 2017

The Seven Key Qualities of a Magnetic Leader

There are lots of reasons why talented people move from one job to another – more money, better opportunities, greater responsibility. But one key reason that is often forgotten is the appeal or "magnetism" that senior managers have to prospective employees. This is the idea behind Roberta Chinsky Matuson's new book, "The Magnetic Leader." In […]

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February 9, 2017

The Difficulties of Defining Leadership

Curious about what leadership actually means? Me too. We all know leadership is critical to maximizing success, but what exactly is it? To grasp how difficult it is to precisely define leadership, just consider the title of a recent article from Business News Daily: "33 Ways to Define Leadership." In this blog post, we'll attempt to whittle […]

April 12, 2016

What Qualities Do You Look for in a Leader?

"Managers are people who do things right, leaders are people who do the right thing." – Warren Bennis, author and leadership expert. Chances are, you've experienced working with both good and bad leaders. You may have been inspired by a great leader's vision, and been motivated by his or her passion and commitment to achieving […]


August 10, 2015

Green is the New Black

I was looking forward to interviewing leading sustainability expert Wayne Visser for our Expert Interview podcast. The plan was to talk face-to-face but we ended up speaking via Skype instead. I’d like to say I chose technology over transport to reduce my carbon footprint, but actually the decision was more about timing. This got me […]

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