Supporting Neurodiversity at Work: Our Expert Interview With Ed Thompson
Creating work environments that support varying needs and preferences will make neurodivergent employees – and all of us – more comfortable and productive.
Creating work environments that support varying needs and preferences will make neurodivergent employees – and all of us – more comfortable and productive.
“Centennial” organizations deliver benefits for communities and society as a whole, as well as for themselves.
For a long-lasting, fulfilling experience at work, it pays to think carefully before applying for a job.
"The best leaders, the ones who make the most change, know that communications is not a soft skill but a rock-hard competency." -Sally Susman
"Several factors can make or break a project schedule and budget, most of them to do with planning."
"For some people, anxiety is a constant companion, even in situations where there’s no obvious reason for it. And it often goes hand in hand with a desire to achieve."
"Most of us don’t choose our coworkers. Yet we have to get along with them, whether we like them or not."
"If you trust your employees enough to have access to all of that information then you actually start to see some really magical things occur."
"Systemic ableism is shutting people out because we're not actively thinking." Allies can change that, person by person, moment by moment.
The pace of technological change is fast and phenomenal. But how afraid should we be that our identities are swallowed up and reshaped for profit and control?
Transformational Leadership values both empathy and productivity, and we need it to face the four challenges of our time.
"Get yourself a notebook. Every day, write down three problems that you observe. This can be the place where you drive and foment your own change."