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"Positive psychology" Blog Posts

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December 29, 2021

Replace Your New Year Resolutions With a Hope Letter

You can lump people into two distinct groups: those who set New Year resolutions, and those who don't. But, maybe there's a third way

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November 14, 2016

How to Apply Positive Psychology at Work

What's the difference between positive thinking and positive psychology? That was my first question to positive psychology expert Margaret Greenberg in our Expert Interview. (Mind Tools Club Premium members and Mind Tools Corporate users can hear the full 30-minute podcast here.) It was a question she'd heard before. "I can't tell you how many times […]

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July 8, 2016

Lost for Words? Or Cat Got Your Tongue?

Have you ever found yourself lost for words at a time when you needed them desperately? It's easy to think that there's not much "going on upstairs" for those that are sitting silently in your meeting but, often, this is a gross underestimation. There are an infinite number of reasons why a person might be inclined […]

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February 5, 2016

It Pays to Look After Customer-Facing Staff

I turn my back on the gray, drizzly high street and stand at the threshold of the store, blinking in the light of a thousand LED bulbs. The light bounces off the glossy white walls, and sparkles on the cases of a hundred smooth and futuristic-looking mobile phones. It also glints off the solid black […]

December 18, 2015

Are You In or Out?

Imagine you're at work, sitting with your two colleagues. It's mid-morning and the company coffee bar has opened. One colleague asks, "Fancy a coffee?" You might indeed fancy one, but experience has taught you that the invitation does not extend to you. As usual, the other agrees that a coffee would be a great idea […]

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November 20, 2015

Could Your Team Be Happier?

  Do you have to love what you do for a living to be happy at work? As an editor, I play with words all day and, right now, I can't think of anything else I'd rather do. I may not wake up and dread my working day now but, during my past roles, I […]

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August 4, 2015

What Are Your Top Tips for Overcoming a Mid-Career Slump?

I know quite a few people who seem to be having mid-career crises at the moment. They're all in their mid-30s and worked their socks off in their 20s by regularly doing late nights, not taking time off, and spending numerous weekends in the office. Usually, they have an end-goal in mind: to gain a […]

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April 14, 2015

What Lifts you up?

There are several areas in my life where I’m constantly striving to improve myself. And, for each one, I motivate myself using different methods. For example, one way that I try to better myself is through keeping fit, and this year I trained for a half marathon. To keep motivated, I printed off my training […]

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February 2, 2015

Embrace the Dark Side!

I recently interviewed the German psychologist Gabriele Oettingen about her WOOP motivation method, which switches the focus from dreams to the obstacles that block those dreams. It’s an interesting take on positive psychology, and refreshing, too. The well-worn theme that happiness will get you everywhere is beginning to ring a bit dull, probably because I’ve […]


November 10, 2014

Unblock Your Dreams

I’ve always admired the work of positive psychologist Martin Seligman. His effective techniques are widely used by individuals and organizations, and I particularly like his work on optimism. I was therefore intrigued to discover a new take on positive thinking by Gabriele Oettingen, one of Seligman’s former colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania. Now a psychology […]

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