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"Managing" Blog Posts

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September 26, 2019

Time to Ditch Our Workplace Myths: Our Expert Interview With Ashley Goodall

From the title of his book, “Nine Lies About Work,” I expected my conversation with Ashley Goodall to reveal a few uncomfortable truths about work. Instead, I was met with a parade of radical, fresh ideas for managers who want to do things differently and better. A senior leader at Cisco, Goodall collaborated with bestselling author Marcus Buckingham on his book, subtitled […]

February 9, 2017

The Difficulties of Defining Leadership

Curious about what leadership actually means? Me too. We all know leadership is critical to maximizing success, but what exactly is it? To grasp how difficult it is to precisely define leadership, just consider the title of a recent article from Business News Daily: "33 Ways to Define Leadership." In this blog post, we'll attempt to whittle […]

December 22, 2016

The Greiner Curve: Will Your Organization Sink or Swim?

What's the key to a successful business? Why do some sink and others swim? Is it just a case of having the right product at the right time? Or is it that the company is good at managing and deflecting crises when they arise? The Greiner Curve is a simple tool that lays out the […]

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June 29, 2016

Expert to Manager – #MTtalk

Many people, when they start working, don't have clear goals or a definite idea of what their career path should look like. But many aspire to become a manager. They know they want to climb the corporate ladder, get recognized for their hard work or for being an expert, and become the "boss." They even say, […]

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May 31, 2016

Exploring Leadership Styles – #MTtalk Roundup

There's a well-known quote by E.M. Kelly that says, "Remember the difference between a boss and a leader. A boss says 'Go!' A leader says 'Let's go!'" In reality, this is a differentiation between two distinct leadership styles. The first is a commanding leader; the second is probably a servant leader or a transformational leader. […]

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May 10, 2016

Your Top Tips For Giving and Receiving Feedback at Work

"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." – Bill Gates, American business magnate. Feedback... There is something inherently awkward about the process of giving and receiving feedback. If done – and taken – in a negative vein, it can feel a lot like judging or being judged, and that never leaves us feeling […]

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January 25, 2016

Future Success? It's All on You

These days, there's change everywhere you look, from new technology in the office to new ways of communicating with friends. It's great when this change is easy to keep up with. But sometimes new systems and approaches can cause anxiety. Will other people "get with the program" more quickly than we do? What does that […]

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January 22, 2016

Are You Brave Enough to Be The Best?

Have you heard the saying, "People don't leave jobs, they leave managers."? There are various forms of this saying, but we all know exactly what it means, don't we? At some point, most of us have either been tempted to leave or will actually have left a job because of our manager's style of leadership. […]


August 21, 2015

Do I Really Know You?

As a crime reporter for various regional newspapers, I was exposed to the hidden – and sometimes not so hidden – underbelly of life in seemingly respectable communities. Every neighborhood endures the annoyance and frustrations of low-level wrongdoing: vandalism, graffiti, theft, and other anti-social behaviors. But, every so often, a town would be shocked or […]


April 10, 2015

A Crash Course in PTSD

I knew it was going to hurt as soon as the car pulled out across my path. The only questions in my mind were: how much would it hurt, and how expensive would it be to repair my beautiful, brand new Ducati motorcycle? The second question suddenly seemed less important as the situation I was […]

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