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February 13, 2017

Is This Netflix Presentation Silicon Valley's Most Important Document?

What made Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg say that a Netflix presentation, "may well be the most important document ever to come out of the Valley"? And what has compelled more than 15 million people to check out the now-legendary slideshow? The Netflix presentation in question was originally written by CEO Reed Hastings for internal use and then […]

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March 7, 2016

Will They Stay or Will They Go?

What keeps you in your job? It might be the regular paycheck, interesting work, the camaraderie, or maybe a sense that you're contributing to something larger than yourself. Or perhaps you feel unfulfilled and are just going through the motions. In fact, you may be looking around for something else, because you feel you've reached […]

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April 6, 2015

Beyond Bias

Very few of us would admit it, but we are all biased. Research shows that all of us are naturally drawn toward people like ourselves and are more loyal to them, which inevitably makes us biased in their favor. This kind of in-group versus out-group dynamic is not just based on how we look. According […]

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