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"Problem solving" Blog Posts

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March 7, 2023

Be Your Own Coach – #MTtalk Roundup

"The act of being your own coach begins with positive self-talk! The day you start learning from your mistakes, you will become your own coach!" - @SaifuRizvi


November 24, 2022

"Become an Observer Every Day!" Lorraine Marchand on Innovation

"Get yourself a notebook. Every day, write down three problems that you observe.  This can be the place where you drive and foment your own change."

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September 28, 2021

Hybrid Working: Your Fears and Solutions — #MTtalk Roundup

"Adopt a coaching mindset that seeks to develop and delegate, rather than supervise and control" – @MindfulLifeWork


May 27, 2021

When You Can't See the Real Problem: My Expert Interview With Kristen Cox

"They felt like they were tackling the problem. The truth is they weren't even addressing it: they hadn't figured out what it really was."


May 13, 2021

Diversity Dividend Pays off With Rebel Ideas

"We kind of look the same, too. Middle-aged, beer-bellied men, well past our physical peak. In short, we’re a diversity nightmare. " - Alastair Roy


March 12, 2020

Big Data: Does Size Matter?

People spook easily when it comes to Big Data. I know I do. Privacy is important, after all

December 12, 2019

If You Can Solve These Puzzles, You'll Have a Head Start at Work!

Puzzles get you thinking and learning in new ways. They force you to challenge the idea that there's only one way of doing things

September 12, 2019

Diversity of Thought Matters, Too

The more repertoires you can draw on to make decisions or solve problems, the more options emerge. And the better the outcomes will be. Cognitive diversity = bonus.

June 7, 2018

Your Top Tips for Making a Big Decision

What shall I have for lunch? Tuna or chicken sandwich? Easy. I prefer chicken, so chicken it is. Do I drive to the conference next week, or take the train? I’d have to get up crazy early to catch the train. On the other hand, I could get stuck in traffic if I drive. But […]

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December 14, 2017

How to Deal With a Big Decision When the Boss Is Away

A big problem has somehow landed in your lap. Everyone's looking to you to make the final decision, the ripples of which will extend far beyond your little team. But the boss went on holiday with a clear "do not disturb" notice. What do you do? How Urgent Is the Decision? Is the boss's unavailability […]

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