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"Empathy" Blog Posts

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December 29, 2022

Faisal Hoque on Transformational Leadership: Expert Interview

Transformational Leadership values both empathy and productivity, and we need it to face the four challenges of our time.


December 28, 2022

Lessons, Leave-Behinds and Looking Forward to New Year

The New Year is on its way, and it always reminds me that it's time for reflection. So I recently brewed a cup of my favorite black tea, added a little honey, and spent a few moments in front of my kitchen window view to consider the following three questions:  What did I learn this […]

August 18, 2021

Reconnecting After COVID – Mind Tools Expert Voices

Being able to work from home has been invaluable during the pandemic. But after all this time I can feel myself itching to get back to the office. To experience a morsel of that busy lifestyle I used to complain so much about

May 4, 2021

Are You Kind or Patronizing? – #MTtalk Roundup

Recently, we had a solar power system installed at our house. While I was busy downloading the app that you need to manage the system, the project manager literally took my phone out of my hand and said, "Let me do it, I know how."

April 28, 2021

Back to the Office? Bring Your Emotional Intelligence

As businesses gradually return to the workplace after lockdown, Bruna Martinuzzi describes how emotional intelligence can help establish a sense of control

March 25, 2021

Empathy in Action: Our Expert Interview With Mimi Nicklin

How often do you say, "How can I help?" In this Expert Interview, we talk to Mimi Nicklin about the importance of leading with empathy and how one small question can make all the difference


November 24, 2020

Emotional Exhaustion – #MTtalk Roundup

I was having trouble thinking... I grew distant from family and friends, and I became increasingly irritable at work


October 1, 2020

Moody Leaders – and How Not to Be One

"You have power to make an employee's day enjoyable or miserable." - Bruna Martinuzzi

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May 14, 2020

Leading Beyond the Ego: Putting Others First

I used to spend a lot of time with leaders. In my previous career as a political reporter, I followed prime ministers and presidents to various corners of the globe. I asked them questions and wrote down their answers. On occasion, I sipped champagne in their gardens. Some of them dazzled me with their power […]


April 16, 2020

The Catalyst Effect: Lighting a Spark of Self-Belief

At 45, I decided to give up my teaching job and enroll in a journalism course. My first pitch landed me a short documentary for national radio. My producer Alexis had believed in my ability to succeed

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