How Work Without Meaning Can Be Toxic Too
"Mental health issues are often based on the tension between what one has achieved and what one has the potential to become." - Clive Lewis
"Mental health issues are often based on the tension between what one has achieved and what one has the potential to become." - Clive Lewis
"Running into that thing makes our anxiety spike – and we start telling stories in our head about what an inadequate person we are."
Longer lifespans and improved technology: both of these bring choices that my grandfathers never had – along with some significant new challenges
"The presence of shyness shows that we're connected." –Melanie Bell
"People in the performing arts don’t reach the top of the tree by crushing the opposition. They do it by being creative," - Steven Edwards
"Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance." – Daniel Kahneman
"People collaborated to survive. Groups appointed leaders because they had useful skills, not because they were dominant." - Simon Bell
"I decided as a young girl that love equalled loss, abandonment and pain. Why on earth would I want to do that again?" – Katherine Baldwin
"I don’t suffer the grinding, low-level, day-to-day discrimination experienced by people who don’t have the privilege I’ve enjoyed" – Simon Bell
"We had a clear goal, plus all the investment we needed to start. And we had fire in our bellies. We were new to the business world, but we were determined to make it big." - Jonathan Hancock
All I wanted was to be listened to, for five minutes. I’d still have been out of a job. But I might have left thinking I'd been valued
"it's not until you go into an office and see how it's decorated, the layout, the furniture, the kitchen, that you get a true sense of the company you've joined" – James Pritchard