August 6, 2020

Uncertainty – Your Top Tips!

by Kevin Dunne

Uncertainty, when you first glimpse it over your horizon, is always a little bit scary. But there also comes a point when you suddenly stop being scared, and the excitement of the fresh and the new takes over.

Splitting up from a partner or losing your job, for example, are life-changing moments – but they are defined by how you react to them.

The beauty of the future is that it’s unwritten, and you get to write it.

It’s not often that the world is “on the same page” but we certainly are now. “Am I going to survive the Coronavirus pandemic?” is the question all of us have been forced to confront. And the answer is, “Who knows!”

Uncertainty, the Only Certainty

What we do know something about, however, is how to deal with uncertainty. We’ve been doing that since the day we were born.

I looked up quotes on uncertainty in researching this blog and they were universally upbeat. Nobody suggests you sit there wringing your hands in the darkness.

I had two favorites. The first, funny, “We’re all stumbling in the dark and that makes for some very interesting collisions,” from author, Marty Rubin. Because, let’s face it, you need a sense of humor dealing with uncertainty.

The other, serious, “When nothing is certain, anything is possible,” from blogger-turned-author Mandy Hale. Because you need a positive position from which to approach this rollercoaster we call life.

So, How Do You Deal With Uncertainty in Your Life?

We asked our followers on social media, “How do you deal with uncertainty in your life?” and positivity was at the core of all the tips, be they practical, philosophical or psychological,

And they didn’t come any more positive than from Murray Andrew, on LinkedIn. He said, “It is hard to do, especially during times like these. But when the wind comes, when opportunity presents, the call is ‘Why not? Just do it!’ …then fly!”

Our friend on Twitter, Capt Rajeshwar, advises that you embrace the challenge and take your opportunities when uncertainty knocks. He said, “When you are at a crossroads, you will take action as per your skill and expertise. Young one will walk on beaten path but skilled person on road less traveled as he is confident to handle challenges ahead with his calculated action. He sees new challenges and opportunities.”

Never underestimate the practical path, tweeted Torque Hawk. He said, “I try to stick to my rituals: daily yoga, meditation, gratitude-attitude and Plan-Do-Review cycle. Thrice weekly workouts. Sat/Sun Tai Chi. They all help anchor me during this testing time. Hey, don’t knock them until you’ve given them a good go!”

Make the Past Count in Future

Maria Carrillo-Walther on LinkedIn favors the methodical approach. She told us, “I collect information to understand the situation and to make the best decision, so uncertainty is either reduced or discarded.”

And she makes sure she really learns from her past experiences. She added, “I look back to remember how I dealt with past uncertainties. That gives me reassurance that I will be able to overcome a new uncertainty.”

Building uncertainty into your expectations works for our LinkedIn friend Nicola McCall, who is prepared for when it happens. She said, “Just keep swimming… this became my motto while being an expat spouse, annually told that I may be moving and living with uncertainty for 3-6 months most years.

“When we did have to move, I would tell myself there is only change and it is going to happen no matter the plan. My coach training taught me ‘to stay with the not knowing,’ so I try not to work out everything that could happen but allow it to evolve/unfold.”

Mindset Over Matter

Staying in the present is James Choles‘ technique – and inspiration. He told us on LinkedIn, “It’s really hard to do, but live for today. Dale Carnegie put it best: ‘Today is life – the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.'”

Facebook friend Greg Hering is always ready to shake hands with the future. He said, “If you embrace change as your friend, it will grace your tomorrows with opportunity you can’t imagine today. If you fight against change, you will find the worst of all your yesterdays greeting all your tomorrows.”

Resilience is L.S. Murthy‘s watchword when times get tough. He tweeted us, “Life is filled with uncertainty on many occasions, especially at times like this. While many things remain outside our control, it is the mindset, resilience, re-engineering that is key to coping with difficult circumstances and facing the unknown challenges confidently.”

Last word to Nnanyereugo U. Rowland, who will not let uncertainty knock him out of his stride. He told us on LinkedIn, “I don’t bother myself with uncertainty because I understand I have no control over it. I only check to know whether there are still things within my reach I haven’t done, when I am through with all I can. Uncertainty take care of itself!”

Tell Us What You Think

Thank you to everyone who shared their tips and strategies. If you have any advice on how to deal with uncertainty, make sure to leave a comment below. And follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter!

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Christopher Powers says
4 years ago

fearlessness and bravery are both results of coping with uncertainty.

Midgie Thompson says
4 years ago

Great tips Christopher, thanks for sharing! We can be brave in all sorts of manner, even in small ways we can show bravery!