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"Presentation" Blog Posts

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July 25, 2022

Managing Presentation Nerves – Your Top Tips!

Check out our brand new video with Mind Tools' Content Editor/Writer, Jonathan Hancock, who shares his handy hints for putting on a great presentation – in spite of any nerves


October 19, 2017

5 Ways to Avoid Death by PowerPoint Presentation

If you've never heard the expression "Death by PowerPoint," then I'm sure you've experienced it. It's that presentation that never seems to end; the presenter going on and on… and on. You stopped listening half an hour ago. That's when you began paying more attention to the clock ticking slowly down to the end (which you […]


September 2, 2016

The Day I Learned to Think in Pictures

Someone once asked me to create a presentation using pictures and just two words per slide. That moment would go on to influence my career in a number of surprising ways. The challenge came as part of a presentation skills course. It helped me to realize that slides are often used as a crutch for the presenter. Most people, […]

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