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"New job" Blog Posts

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March 22, 2023

Getting a New Job – Introducing Brand-New Mind Tools Videos

Getting a job sounds simple enough, right? But with more people in the workforce than ever before, it's vital that you stand out at each and every stage of the hiring process.


January 11, 2023

What Career Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

As the world chimes in another new year and the holiday decorations head back to the attic, I like to take a moment to reflect on the past year. What have I achieved, and what lessons have I learned along the way?


December 9, 2021

LinkedIn Lies: Navigating Through the Noise to Find What's Important to You

LinkedIn has nearly 800 million members, so how can professionals use the platform safely to hire, job hunt, and enrich their careers?

March 19, 2018

Starting Your First Job: Expectations Versus Reality

Starting a new job is scary. But starting your first job is a whole different ball game. You’ve spent most of your life in full-time education, and suddenly you find yourself thrust into the “real world.” It feels like a step into the unknown. But remember, the anticipation is often the worst part, and the […]

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