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November 3, 2014

Using Data to Make Good Decisions

Heather Levin

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Behind-Every-Good-Decision_cover_80x125If you were given responsibility for optimizing your organization's marketing approach, where would you start?

You might begin by scrapping your existing strategy and trying something new. This is risky, but it might work. But perhaps it would be smarter to look at why the current approach isn’t working first, and then come up with a strategy that addresses the problem. To do this, you’d need to use business analytics.

The term “business analytics” might sound complex and impenetrable, but it doesn’t have to be that way at all. And once you learn the basics, you can use it to solve most organizational problems.

Piyanka Jain and Puneet Sharma’s new book, "Behind Every Good Decision," is a practical primer on the world of business analytics. It outlines what analytics entails, and offers a simple five-step process for using analytics to solve everyday problems.

The audio clip below, from our Book Insight into "Behind Every Good Decision," explains how one straightforward methodology – aggregate analysis – can help you learn more about your target market.

Listen to the full Book Insight in the Mind Tools Club ¦ Install Flash Player.

If you’d like to learn more about business analytics and how it can be used to solve problems in your organization, don’t miss our Book Insight on "Behind Every Good Decision."

Question: Do you use analytics in your role? If so, how? Join the discussion below!

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