The Art of Lifelong Learning – #MTtalk Roundup
Lifelong learning is not rocket science. It doesn't need to be perfect and polished. There are, however, two decisive factors that we need to consider when it comes to the success of lifelong learning.
Lifelong learning is not rocket science. It doesn't need to be perfect and polished. There are, however, two decisive factors that we need to consider when it comes to the success of lifelong learning.
“People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.” ― Paulo Coelho, Brazilian novelist Facing a new year, I’ve always…
How can today’s organizations keep up with the pace of change? For Bradley R. Staats, the answer is easy: we all need to keep learning.
You are not learning anything by reading this so I suggest that you stop right now. It’s OK, I’m just joking. But I’m not…
I could drive a car by the age of 13. Of course my mother didn’t know, until the day that she wanted to teach me…
I recently completed a self-assessment questionnaire, to discover what kind of learning best suited me. The assessment was based on a …
How do you learn more quickly and thoroughly? Some say they learn best through hearing and speaking about new concepts. Others prefer visual presentations. Kinesthetic…