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"Creative" Blog Posts

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February 15, 2023

The Benefits of Being Multicultural

"The study shows that people who have spent time assimilating one or more cultures are better able to generate creative ideas" - Bruna Martinuzzi

May 12, 2022

What Would Michael Porter Say – Be the Best or Be Unique?

"People in the performing arts don’t reach the top of the tree by crushing the opposition. They do it by being creative," - Steven Edwards


September 28, 2021

Hybrid Working: Your Fears and Solutions — #MTtalk Roundup

"Adopt a coaching mindset that seeks to develop and delegate, rather than supervise and control" – @MindfulLifeWork


September 5, 2019

Fresh Ideas for a New Season – Your Top Tips!

As United States Founding Father Benjamin Franklin put it, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

May 22, 2015

I Wish I'd Thought of That!

Some people are remarkably practical and "hands on." They see a problem and, after a little bit of thought, ably set about solving it. Probably with a hammer, a spirit level and a justified sense of confidence in their manual prowess. Other people are more creative or unconventional in their thinking. They don't focus on […]

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November 11, 2014

Creative Logic

Are you a science fiction fan? I love a futuristic tale as much as the next person, but some of my favourite dystopian sci-fi movies are starting to feel a little too realistic these days. The problem is that people are inherently inefficient. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, man has been using technology to make […]


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