September 5, 2019

Fresh Ideas for a New Season – Your Top Tips!

by Kevin Dunne

It’s the start of a new season! What fresh ideas or approaches are you going to bring to your work this month? We asked you, our friends and followers on social media, what changes you’re planning…

You could, of course, just wait for inspiration to strike. The trouble with that is, it may never happen. Or you could wait until New Year and make the kind of resolutions that most of us never stick to. 

Wishing things were different never makes it so, you have to make it happen. On Linkedin, digital senior manager Sian Briddon is making time for change by getting behind an initiative at U.K. building society Nationwide.  

She said, “We are doing #hadago selfie-style videos – little snapshots explaining a time when we gave something a go, and it didn’t necessarily go to plan.  

“Several have been recorded by exec and senior management then shared via Yammer for all to see. They are open, honest and often show vulnerability… very refreshing and although I didn’t enjoy the process of recording my #hadago, I’m really glad I did!”  

Time for Fresh Ideas

U.S. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was a big fan of fresh ideas, or as he put it, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” So, whether Northern or Southern Hemisphere, why not take your cue from nature, get in step with the seasons… and change? 

Even a little bit better is better, after all. And nature would certainly agree with the change that Mind Tools follower and food safety consultant A. Konesh is planning. He told us on LinkedIn that he will be, “Converting paper documentation to digital!”

Meanwhile, L&D specialist David Anderson is embarking on using “In-house produced podcasts as a learning tool. Interviewing the best of the best and producing to a format that is digestible that others can learn from, but can listen to in the car, on the train or whilst walking the dogs.”  

Face Your Fears

Our own senior editor Charlie Swift is planning on going round mountains and not over them anymore. He said, “When faced by what feels like a daunting task, I’m going to remind myself that I’ve done similar things before and succeeded. That should help me to sidestep fear instead of trying to push on through it. Far easier!”

If you are unsure as to which way to jump, our article on Intentional Change Theory would be a good place to start. The article will guide you through “achieving manageable, meaningful change.”  

Game on, Not Over

Engineer Charles Kettering knew a thing or two about change, having been head of research at General Motors for 27 years until 1947. His take on it was, “The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.”

Nowadays, on Twitter, it’s “game on not game over” for business consultant Rafael Cortés Acosta, who told us, “I’m planning to try new approaches to our training programs with some gamification items. This will be entirely new to the whole organization.”

Therapist @ot_sheffield, promised fresh ideas and tweeted, “I’d like to bring a new approach to meetings. Make them more interactive and creative, to encourage all the team to participate. Perhaps ask someone to talk about something they’ve done well or an idea they’ve had, for 5 mins at the beginning. Start off with a positive vibe.”  

Dodge the Pitfalls

Changing your habits can be just as important as organizational initiatives or new processes. HR professional Nicola McCall told us, “I am going to allow space/a break and be less reactive.

“I won’t jump in to speak when silence exists in a meeting nor react immediately to a request. (Unless of course I absolutely have to!)  I’ll enjoy allowing what comes into the space that now exists.”  

Change on whatever scale is never that easy, of course, particularly when it comes to getting other people on board. To avoid some of the pitfalls that will help your change to stick, see our article, Why Change Can Fail

And if you’re not sure you’re ready to take a fresh approach, you could always answer a question posed by author Somerset Maugham… “If you don’t change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news?”  

Thank you to everyone who shared their top tips! And you can still have your say, below.

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