January 21, 2025

Learning News talks to Mindtools about M: Suite and the future of leadership development

by Mindtools

Learning News recently interviewed our CEO, Shabnam Shahani, about our exciting new direction – including a fresh brand identity and the launch of M: Suite, our new portfolio of leadership and management development solutions and services. 

Why M: Suite? 

A key takeaway from the conversation was that many new managers don’t feel prepared for their leadership roles. Research by Mindtools and YouGov found that over half of new managers feel they lack the necessary people skills. Many even consider leaving their roles due to a lack of support. 

That’s where M: Suite comes in. It provides diagnostic tools, adaptive learning experiences, on-going development resources, and award-winning custom learning and consultancy – all designed to help managers at every stage of their development journey. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, it delivers personalized, practical and scalable learning experiences. 

A bold new look 

Beyond M: Suite, Shabnam also touched on Mindtools’ brand refresh. She explained that the new identity reflects our shift from a content provider to an engaged partner in delivering leadership and management development solutions and services. The brand refresh reinforces our mission to create confident, capable leaders in a rapidly changing business world. 

For the full interview with Shabnam Shahani, head over to Learning News.

Learn more about our new products and services 

If you would like to know how you can apply the M: Suite to your management and leadership development strategy, our experts are more than happy to help you.  

Book your free consultation

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