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"Transformational leadership" Blog Posts

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December 29, 2022

Faisal Hoque on Transformational Leadership: Expert Interview

Transformational Leadership values both empathy and productivity, and we need it to face the four challenges of our time.


November 8, 2017

How to Motivate People – Your Top Tips

When it comes to motivational clichés, I've heard them all. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  Or perhaps that old classic: "Keep calm and carry on." But, before you roll your eyes, clichés can work. Just look at Nike's world-famous "Just Do It" slogan. It's one that reportedly helped the company to increase its share […]


August 3, 2016

Leadership Styles: What's Best?

Do you look out of your office, see your underlings hard at work, and think to yourself, "What a great example of leadership I embody! Look at these people beavering away for me. I inspire them and they look up to me!" If so, chances are you might be surprised by what they really think! And by what gets […]


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