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"Multitasking" Blog Posts

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September 22, 2021

Take Charge of Your Time – Mind Tools Expert Voices

Recently I've gained more choices about how to organize my time. And it's made me look more closely at how well I'm really doing it


November 16, 2017

Help! How to Save Yourself From Drowning in Notifications

Bridget checked Instagram over breakfast, then glanced at the text notifications on her cell. She replied to a few WhatsApps before heading off to work. Bridget’s office phone showed three voicemails. She ignored those. Then she logged on to her computer, where 108 new emails beckoned for her attention. Those would have to wait as well. […]

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May 20, 2016

Multitasking – Myth and Mystery

In this post, People Alchemy founder Paul Matthews looks at how we can combine conscious and unconscious tasks to be truly productive. Can you really multitask efficiently? There are many people who swear that they can, and just as many studies that say they are fooling themselves, and that efficient multitasking is impossible. So what is the truth of […]

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