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"Memory" Blog Posts

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June 20, 2019

The Psychology of Learning - Secrets of the Magicians!

Have you ever been astonished by a magician's trick, and then tried to work out how they did it? Maybe, in the cold light of day, you found yourself wondering why it was so easy for them to fool you! If so, then you've done more than just try to solve a particular bit of […]


April 18, 2019

Making Time for Learning When There's No Time to Think!

Learning at work can be a serious struggle. If you're stretched to the limit, and struggling with all the stuff that's already in your head, how can you possibly learn anything new? In one organization I worked for, learning came to feel downright impossible! Maybe this rings a bell for you. Information was coming thick […]

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September 21, 2017

What’s the Effect (or is it Affect) of Poor Memory?

Have you ever had something that you need to remember, which – no matter how hard you try – just won’t stick in your memory? A person’s name, an address, a year? Every time you try to recall it, your brain grinds to a shuddering halt and then goes blank. My particular problem wasn't so […]

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July 7, 2015

How do You Learn Best?

When I was a student, I had to learn and remember a lot of information to pass my end-of-year exams, and I did so in various ways. I'd start off by reviewing the notes and handouts from my lectures, and I'd rewrite them by hand. This helped refresh my memory, and clarify the information in […]

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February 3, 2015

You can Achieve Anything you put Your Mind to!

Last Thursday, I attended the second day of the Learning & Technologies Conference 2015 in London and, genuinely, it was the best HR/L&D conference I've been to. One of the highlights for me was the fantastic keynote presentation from scientist and TV presenter Professor Robert Winston. His talk focused on how our ability to learn, memorize and […]

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November 4, 2014

Losing Track of Thyme

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves  Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;  All mimsy were the borogoves,  And the mome raths outgrabe.  Lewis Caroll Memory is a funny thing. I learned this rhyme when I was a school girl and I can still quote it at will, decades later. But do you think I […]

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