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"Meetings" Blog Posts

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April 25, 2019

The Secret Life of Online Meetings: Our Expert Interview With Wayne Turmel

Wayne Turmel is many things. A Canadian living in Las Vegas, he’s a former stand-up comic, a successful podcaster, and a novelist. But, first and foremost, Turmel is a remote leadership expert. As such, Turmel is not afraid of getting down and dirty with the nitty-gritty of virtual meetings. In fact, he even wrote a […]

January 11, 2018

How Can I Stop Saying Sorry All the Time?

"Sorry Rachel, could I just interrupt briefly?" "Right, yes, sorry Aaron. Go ahead." "Sorry, I just thought we were working towards a March completion on this project? Sorry if I've got that wrong." Sound familiar? Saying "sorry" when we don't really need to can be a difficult habit to break. Perhaps you don't even notice […]

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October 5, 2017

How to Communicate With Presence

In Dianna Booher's view, you can't separate leadership and communication. Indeed, she believes that learning to communicate "is the essence of leadership and the reflection of your thinking." So, if you're a poor communicator, you’ll always be a poor leader, regardless of the merit of your ideas. Put like that, this soft skill packs a […]

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April 18, 2017

#MTtalk: Meetings – Herding Cats and Taming Alligators

Meetings Are Melting Pots While many of us try to "fit in" to a specific workplace culture, meetings often highlight different ways of thinking and doing things. It's because of how meetings work: we put a group of people in a room together to make a decision or to reach an agreement. Then, we discover that […]

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November 14, 2016

How to Apply Positive Psychology at Work

What's the difference between positive thinking and positive psychology? That was my first question to positive psychology expert Margaret Greenberg in our Expert Interview. (Mind Tools Club Premium members and Mind Tools Corporate users can hear the full 30-minute podcast here.) It was a question she'd heard before. "I can't tell you how many times […]

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August 12, 2016

How I Found My Voice in My One-on-Ones

I've laughed in them, cried in them, been bored in them, and even shouted in them. No matter what your personal thoughts are about one-on-ones – whether you think they are a brilliant opportunity to get your voice heard, or you see them as a waste of time and would rather get rid of them for good […]


July 5, 2016

Meetings: Do You Help, Hide or Hinder?

Please Join Us! What: #MTtalk Where: Twitter When: Friday, July 8, 2016 @ 1p.m. EST (6p.m. BST) Topic: Team Meetings: Do You Help, Hide or Hinder? Host: @MindTools About This Week's Chat Your life at the office has become somewhat unproductive. You're hardly ever at your desk. You don't answer your phone and no one […]

March 31, 2015

Doodle do

You know that feeling... You’re in a post-lunch meeting and your eyelids feel heavy. It’s hard to concentrate. Your attention starts to drift and your mind wanders to other tasks you’d rather be getting on with. Maybe you’re planning what to have for supper later. Or worse, you start to nod off... then your boss […]

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