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"Meaning" Blog Posts

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October 13, 2022

How Work Without Meaning Can Be Toxic Too

"Mental health issues are often based on the tension between what one has achieved and what one has the potential to become." - Clive Lewis

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September 23, 2016

Forget the Monday Morning Blues and Find Pleasure in Your Career!

You've just got into the swing of the weekend and, yep, you've guessed it, Monday's here again. Cue setting alarm clocks, tossing and turning in bed worrying about that early morning presentation, the packed commute. Finally, you're back home… only for it all to start again the next day. Sometimes we get so caught up in the […]

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October 14, 2014

Hound Dog

Some weeks are full of surprises. This week, for example, I went into the office on Tuesday morning thinking I was a woman, and came home having discovered that I’m a hound dog! But I’m not alone. In fact, the whole editorial team has taken on canine characteristics. Sarah is a sheep dog, Tom is […]


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