Productivity Paranoia — Your Top Tips!
When COVID-19 hit in March 2020 hit, everything changed. Organizations had no choice but to move great swathes of business activities to the comfort of their people's own homes.
When COVID-19 hit in March 2020 hit, everything changed. Organizations had no choice but to move great swathes of business activities to the comfort of their people's own homes.
Every two weeks, #MTtalk takes Mind Tools live with our global Twitter chat,
I can work at times that match my physical and mental energy or take appropriate timeouts when I need a bit of headspace. As for working in the evening or at the crack of dawn to make up my hours, well, that's no chore when it's a personal choice.
"Adopt a coaching mindset that seeks to develop and delegate, rather than supervise and control" – @MindfulLifeWork
"it's not until you go into an office and see how it's decorated, the layout, the furniture, the kitchen, that you get a true sense of the company you've joined" – James Pritchard