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"Fear" Blog Posts

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February 7, 2023

How Damaging Is Long-Term Uncertainty? – #MTtalk Roundup

As soon as I sense relationship or financial uncertainty on my radar, all the warning lights and alarms in my head and heart start beeping, clanging and flashing: it must be avoided at all costs! Life doesn't work like that, of course.

June 23, 2020

The Gratitude Habit — #MTtalk Roundup

If you had told me a year ago that I wouldn't see my husband for four months, I probably would have said, "You'll bury me. I won't make it."


March 12, 2020

Big Data: Does Size Matter?

People spook easily when it comes to Big Data. I know I do. Privacy is important, after all

October 1, 2019

My Way or the Highway! – #MTtalk Roundup

"Authority -- when abused through micromanagement, intimidation, or verbal or nonverbal threats -- makes people shut down and productivity ceases." John Stoker, U.S. businessman and communication expert. How often have you heard a good idea get shot down by a response along the lines of, "There's only one right way, and that's my way"? And […]

August 29, 2019

Bring on Failure: Our Expert Interview With Bill Wooditch

"If you want to be successful, you need to fail more!" This bold statement is the opening line of Bill Wooditch’s new book, "Fail More." In it, Wooditch aims to put meat on the bones of the old adage that we should learn from our mistakes. According to Wooditch, a successful entrepreneur, the ability to turn disaster into triumph relies on "continual improvement through intentional […]

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