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"Email" Blog Posts

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January 16, 2020

Faster, Fewer, Better Emails: Manage the Volume, Reduce the Stress, Love the Results

The other day, I was setting up a meeting with an associate, to be held at her place of work. We'd never met and had always communicated by email. It should have been a simple exchange

May 11, 2017

How to Avoid Becoming an Email Monster

We've come a long way since email was first invented. In fact, did you know that the first email was sent in 1971? That's right, we've been using email for nearly 50 years now! So, you'd think we'd be old pros at writing effective emails by now, right? Wrong! Poor Email Etiquette Can Escalate According to a […]

February 23, 2017

Manners: Why Good Ones Matter at Work

Beverly Langford’s book on modern manners in business, “The Etiquette Edge,” is full of memorable tips and observations. Many are specific to a situation or mode of communication, while others are more generic. One of the most striking appears in the section on business travel: "Treat everyone as though you were going to have to […]

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July 17, 2015

Email is All Grown Up!

In 1996, I entered the exciting new world of high school… and I also immersed myself in the equally thrilling sphere of the Internet. I discovered sites and services such as Hotmail® (or HoTMail, as it was known then), AOL®, Altavista®, GeoCities®, Yahoo!®, and Ask Jeeves®, and faced long-forgotten battles with dial-up tones, pop-ups and […]


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