Posts tagged with 'diversity'

June 8, 2023

5 Ways to Support Your LGBTQ+ Colleagues

One of the few spaces that can have real impact in improving LGBTQ+ equality is the workplace. But it takes effort; and it's not only up to our LGBTQ+ colleagues. It's up to the rest of us, too.

November 11, 2021

Why Some Boards Work – and Some Don’t!

"We had a clear goal, plus all the investment we needed to start. And we had fire in our bellies. We were new to the business world, but we were determined to make it big." - Jonathan Hancock

June 30, 2021

What Pride Means to Us

Unable to celebrate Pride as we would have pre-COVID, we asked our colleagues and subscribers to share Pride memories, hopes and fears.

September 12, 2019

Diversity of Thought Matters, Too

The more repertoires you can draw on to make decisions or solve problems, the more options emerge. And the better the outcomes will be. Cognitive diversity = bonus.