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"Book insight" Blog Posts

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December 15, 2022

Why Did a Book About Sadness Make Me So Happy?

"It’s part of being human, stemming from our awareness that life is finite. If we squash down those feelings, we’re missing out on their benefits." - Melanie Bell


September 2, 2021

Coping With End of Furlough

"If we fail to pivot and transition successfully through the chapters of our working lives, tomorrow’s world will leave us behind." – Steven Edwards


August 12, 2021

Sell It Like Saul Goodman

Learn the secrets of sales from the master of persuasion


June 17, 2021

Three Reasons Answers Are More Important Than Questions

Every question starts as an imperfect answer that stimulates curiosity in the world


March 11, 2021

My Love-Hate Relationship With Amazon

"Data drives Amazon forward, many of the knock-on effects of its success are not ones that I would have chosen. Yet I keep giving Amazon full consent to use my data." - Jonathan Hancock


December 10, 2020

Growing Misconceptions: Exploding the Mindset Myths

"Not everyone can win an Oscar or top the charts. There’d be a great deal of disappointment if everyone took "growth mindset" to be some kind of life goal guarantee!" - Jonathan Hancock


September 10, 2020

Beating Prediction, Charting the Future

Big Data is seductive. It promises that if we know enough, our lives will be more efficient. Margaret Heffernan thinks differently.

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August 13, 2020

I No Longer Feel Like a Fraud – I'm Not an Imposter!

I drank to excess, overate, and exercised compulsively. By my mid-thirties, I'd burned out


July 9, 2020

Can You Be a Good Leader and a Good Parent?

Parenting is the only legal 24/7 job! It comes with little or no training, the job specs keep changing, and the drain on you physically and emotionally is relentless

June 11, 2020

Onboarding or Off-Putting? – The Right and Wrong Ways to Welcome New People to Your Team

Unlike my earlier onboarding nightmare, this process involved clear expectations on both sides


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