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"Assertiveness" Blog Posts

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August 10, 2023

Triggers: How to Stop Rising to the Bait

"He’d also just talk over people, including me. And my reaction was not me at my best. I just sat there in a passive-aggressive huff. " - Simon Bell

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May 4, 2021

Are You Kind or Patronizing? – #MTtalk Roundup

Recently, we had a solar power system installed at our house. While I was busy downloading the app that you need to manage the system, the project manager literally took my phone out of my hand and said, "Let me do it, I know how."

February 18, 2020

Assertive, Aggressive or Arrogant? – #MTtalk Roundup

Can you be assertive without being seen as aggressive or arrogant? In this week's #MTtalk Twitter chat, we're going to discuss what the difference is and how to tell


April 12, 2018

Your Top Tips for Being More Assertive

"Ah, Keith, quick word. Late notice, I know, but I need that [insert complicated, dreary task here!] done before the weekend, not by the end of next week. Sorry." Terminator-style, my mind processes a series of responses: "******* typical! As if I haven't got enough on my ****** plate! I'll just reschedule my entire week […]


January 23, 2018

Saying Yes When You Mean No – #MTtalk Roundup

No: A Cultural Conundrum I read a few studies recently that analyzed how different cultures view and use the word "No." Reading these research papers emphasized the fact that we don't all see it the same way, and we don't all value a straight-up, honest "No." For example, one study referred to a specific culture […]

November 20, 2017

My Most Difficult Conversation at Work

"You know what, Simon? I think they should fire you for what you've done." As conversational gambits go, it was a showstopper. It certainly stopped me in my tracks. I began to panic. I couldn't talk. I tried to breathe normally. This was going to be a more difficult conversation than I thought. Introducing Ralph… It […]

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September 28, 2017

Need Some Help Saying No?

They call them "the terrible twos" for a reason. Tell a two-year-old to put away his toys because it's time for a bath and you'll likely be subjected to a screaming "No." Let’s assume that the toddler's parents reprimanded him for his outbursts, then sent him off to his bedroom. But his behavior continued at […]

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April 5, 2017

#MTtalk: Disrupting the Hierarchy

Many years ago, when computers still had monochrome screens and could only run one program at a time, I worked in the property section of a bank. In those days, banks weren't known as being at the forefront of change. They often lagged behind when it came to changing systems and technology. My (then) husband worked […]

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March 21, 2017

Disagreeing With Powerful People – #MTtalk Roundup

We must be ever courteous and patient with those who do not see eye-to-eye with us. We must resolutely refuse to consider our opponents as enemies. - Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) From a young age, I was quite comfortable speaking my mind. Even as a small child, I read a lot, which meant that I got […]

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