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"Age" Blog Posts

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September 29, 2022

"Don't Call Me Senior!" Susan Wilner Golden on Age, Work and Product Design

"Stop thinking of all older adults as just one type of person. It's more important to think about what stage of life they're in."

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June 27, 2019

Have You Reached Your Peak? Our Expert Interview With Rich Karlgaard

Here are a couple of facts to mull over. Research shows that our ability to evaluate complex patterns, like reading people’s behavior, doesn’t peak until our 40s or 50s. The median age of employees at Facebook is 28. At Google, it's 29. Are employers missing a trick? Rich Karlgaard certainly thinks so. He’s the publisher […]


May 16, 2017

#MTtalk: Ageism in the Workplace

Discrimination on the basis of age is as unacceptable as discrimination on the basis of any other aspect of ourselves that we cannot change.  ∼ Ashton Applewhite, American writer and activist. How Ageism Happens On a recent flight, the passenger next to me started talking to me. I'm not the best at small talk, but I […]

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