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Client Stories

Modernizing the learning approach at one of Australia’s largest health providers

Introducing modern learning resources to enhance the learner experience.

Health Care

The Challenge

St John of God Health Care is one of Australia’s leading health care providers. The organization wanted to adjust its L&D environment – giving caregivers more opportunities to learn and build on their skillsets.

Before Mindtools, St John of God Health Care ran face-to-face learning. But because caregivers work different hours, it was tough to organize learning around shift patterns. What’s more, the workforce is spread across Australia, with many caregivers based in remote locations.

Caregivers wanted to learn, but it was proving a challenge with the traditional model.

St John of God Care needed to:

  • Update the learning model to fit better with employee shift patterns
  • Understand how to implement these changes successfully
  • Increase user engagement and make learning resources more accessible and in tune with the needs of the learners

The Solution

We helped St John of God Health Care address the issue of shift patterns with easy-to-access, just-in-time learning.

Now, learners can access online resources at any time. Our digital Content Hub boasts articles, videos, infographics, audio interviews and more.

The Content Hub increased user engagement by letting people easily set and hit learning objectives. We also supported the organization with their internal marketing. Relevant and timely messages nudged caregivers to visit the Content Hub.

The Results

Our Content Hub is a self-directed, innovative and exciting way for caregivers to learn new skills and knowledge. Expert-led content works alongside the organization’s onboarding, objective mapping and management training.

St John of God Health Care has already seen return on investment. An internal survey revealed learner engagement has soared. And reporting reveals the Content Hub enjoyed 30,382 page views in 11 months.

Finally, because employees can access resources online, the Content Hub saves the organization money year on year.

Why it works

Today, caregivers can develop themselves while they work. Some even gain further qualifications in their field.

Together, we’re:

  • Creating a modern resource that’s accessible and engaging for learners
  • Helping unlock the potential of learners through relevant resources
  • Understanding the need for caregivers to learn around their shifts
  • Shifting the cultural mindset from ‘push’ to ‘pull’ learning


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